June 25, 2020
Empowerment can be defined in many ways. But when talking about women empowerment— to me, it means accepting, loving, and supporting the women standing aside you even if she doesn’t look like you, speak like you, or come from the same background as you. It means instead of competing with her, you lift her up!
I’ve dreamt of putting together a women empowerment boudoir project together for awhile now. Being able to tell the stories of women of all different shapes, sizes, colors, and sexualities, all unified in the color black. Because together is when we are most powerful.
Each of these women have a story they were willing to share to share with the world, today. In telling that story came vulnerability. Vulnerability not only to stand in front of my camera and bare it all but the vulnerability to be open with their stories and possibly even expose their inner demons.
All of these women are STRONG, courageous, and beautiful and I am so proud to know each and every one of them. And just like you and I, they each are still working on their journeys of self love every day. As you read through this powerful blog post, I encourage you to take the time and truly read these women’s stories. Even if we don’t look like the woman next to us, our stories might resemble each other. As Demi Lovato said “You don’t have to struggle in silence.” As women, we can feel so alone in our struggles and I want to remind you that you are NOT ALONE. And even more importantly, YOU. ARE. WORTHY.
As daughters, friends, wives, and mothers, women are the most incredible humans. Instead of spending time trying to tear each other down and competing with one another, let’s spend our time building each other up. We are the most powerful when we empower one another.
“I will forever be grateful to Gabi Gregg for starting her blog and providing me with my first exposure to a women owning being curvy, bold and beautiful! She was the very first blogger I followed and I honestly have not looked back since! I do want to acknowledge there is still a TON of work to do to extend inclusivity in the body positive and fat acceptance movement and I continue to focus on how I can be part of the solution.
Lastly, I am so thanks to be immersed in a community of creatives & entrepreneurs, here in Detroit, that are unmatched in amazingness and who inspire me everyday! Xoxo!”
Jonnelle Bird
To see more of my women empowerment boudoir work, check out my IG dedicated to all of these QUEENS!
I love everything about this molly! Thank you so much for sharing all of their stories and their beauty. This truly is amazing
I am grateful for this. Absolutely beautiful work and absolutely beautiful people! The message speaks volumes.